2018-04-05 密西根第1天

我們清晨七點十分左右離開Imperial Towers。開了約七個半小時的車(含中間在麥當勞吃午餐休息一下),一路順暢,天氣晴朗,只有在Ohio下了一點雪。





決定搬家後,開始在網路上賣東西,陸陸續續出清的滿順利的,最後把最困難賣的床墊賣給一位人超級好的美國大姊,她要我們睡到最後,再來搬走。原先預計4/4出發,也因為兩人太疲勞,又遇上很差的天氣,臨時決定多留一天。兩邊公寓的經理都非常體貼,我們想要再多付一天的房租,原Imperial Tower的公寓經理直接說不需要,還叫我們好好休息。新的這邊公寓經理一聽我們要開車前往,一直說拜託我們要”Drive extra safe”。

這一天的午餐在雅妃名峯家吃,晚餐在佩穎時榮家吃。前一晚汪卉李嘉幫忙處理我那些瓶瓶罐罐的調味料、做了楊枝甘露給我們當晚上的點心、還接手照顧羅勒。前一天的中餐是Abba Java的朋友們一起午餐,幫我們送行。她們說感覺好像已經認識我們兩個很久很久了,不只一年多。

想到已經好久好久沒有寫日記,就覺得有點遺憾。日子沒有紀錄,轉眼就會忘記了,很可惜。希望從現在開始,慢慢把搬家這段日子搜尋到的資料整理出來,也許其他人要搬家時用得著。這篇就先附上我在Facebook上找到的State College Rigion Sell/Trade Group。


2.網路力量大!這次所有賣掉的東西都是在網路上賣的。包含Facebook Market place、台灣同學會、WeChat PSU二手交易平台都是非常有潛力的購買族群,也都是最需要的人。


Our first day in Michigan was a blessed beginning. Many friends helped us and sent their prayers to us which made this road trip more peaceful and full of love and friendship.

We stayed in State College for one more night due to the terrible weather and tired condition. My teacher said it’s wise to wait a day to leave.

Thanks to Imperial Towers Manager and staffs. You are very thoughtful to allow us to stay. Thanks to River Drive Apartments manager to say that you totally understand our situation and you only hope we drive extra safely.

I learned two important things from this moving journey.

First: Prepare as soon as possible once you are sure you’ll move. Packing and moving could cause a lot of pressure. There are a bunch of stuff you have to decide. Having enough time to deal with selling pieces of furniture, apartment hunting, cleaning house, deciding moving ways..etc will make you feel less stressful.

Second: Using the Internet to go through the information you need is the best method. I found 8 Facebook Sale/Trade Groups of State College area. I also sold things on WeChat used sale group. There are all potential buyers in these groups. They are who need used stuff most.

I am grateful that I sold our queen size mattress to a kind American lady. She offered us to use it until the last night. She bought it for her children coming home.

I attached a list of these groups. You can find them on Facebook. Hope this can help my friends who need to sell your home stuff.

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