2017-08-30 賓州第223天

After 222 days in State College, I finally decide to post my first English diary because now I have many international friends on Facebook and our common language is English. (Please feel free to ask me if you don’t understand my English.)

Today is Nasrin’s last class. She is moving to California with her family. I feel a little sad although I also feel happy for their progress of life. We met in Cathy’s English class. We did not talk a lot but we smiled to each other. I can truly feel the sincerity behind our smile. That is where friendship exists.

Cathy took us to Dr. Martin Luther King J. Plaza for a field trip. We walked along several bricks. They are arranged by the year of the important historical times of Dr. Martin Luther King J. Cathy told us the history about Dr. Marting Luther King J.

Dr. Martin Luther King J. taught people to remain quiet and stay calm when you feel upset. He spent his life for helping people to have equal rights, seeking a non-violent way to catch the goal. It’s important to memorize his attitudes toward people equality and peace of the world, especially in today’s chaos. I will read his speech “I have a dream.” again tonight.

When I said goodbye to Nasrin, we hugged and I got my first social kissing with her.(cheek to cheek)

At that moment, this sentence showed up in my mind.- 
“People come and go in our life, but the right ones will always stay.”

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